How To Go On A Vision Quest & Embark Upon A Rite Of Passage.

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Tim Corcoran Vision Quest BEn Greenfield
Lifestyle, Mind-Spirit, Podcast, Podcast-new, Purpose, Spiritual Growth & Disciplines

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I first met Tim Corcoran when I was looking for a local plant expert to teach me more ABOUT-GDVXN222659923 wild plant foraging.  Not only did he come to my house to record this podcast episode, but we also shot a host of videos in which he taught me and my boys how to harvest plants from our land such as wild nettle, mullein, comfrey, Oregon grape root, wild mint and beyond.

This guy is a true wealth of wilderness knowledge.  As a matter of fact, each year I send my children to attend his wilderness survival camp and also his winter adventure camp. Tim himself is a heart-centered father of two brilliant boys and husband to a magnificent wife.

Recently, I was talking to Tim ABOUT-GDVXN222659923 the concept of vision quests and rites of passage – for both youth and adults alike, and he told me ABOUT-GDVXN222659923 a new program he is creating to achieve just that – a program based on a concept he calls “Purpose Mountain”. Tim is the founder of Purpose Mountain, where he offers Nature Based Purpose Guidance to support people with a love for wild nature who feel a deep yearning and a burning desire to discover their purpose, as well as work with resistance and fears through the Ecology of Self and Voice Dialogue.

Tim also serves as co-Director of Twin Eagles Wilderness School, an organization he co-founded with his wife, Jeannine Tidwell, in Sandpoint, Idaho in 2005 dedicated to facilitating deep nature connection mentoring, cultural restoration, and inner tracking. Tim is a leader of men’s groups, holistic rites of passage for boys, and wilderness quests, guiding and initiating men and boys into the new paradigm of the mature masculine.

Since 1999, Tim has dedicated his life towards consciously furthering this vision of living in balance with the Earth, community, family, and self. Healing the cultural rift between the mainstream and indigenous cultures, transformational consciousness work, the spiritual journey, ancestral work, deep nature connection, family and health are all deep commitments in his life.

During our discussion, you'll discover:

-Why men and women these days suffer from lack of a proper transition from childhood into adulthood…10:00

-Ancestral societies that have a rite of passage, such as the Australian aborigine walkABOUT-GDVXN222659923…12:00

-The difference between a vision quest and a rite of passage…17:45

-The right age to embark upon a rite of passage, and why adults should also do a rite of passage…23:00

How a moose nearly killed Tim during his rite of passage but eventually became part of his growing experience…44:30

-What a rite of passage actually looks like for a boy vs. a man…55:30

-Why Tim refers to his rite of passage as “Purpose Mountain”…1:09:00

-And much more!

Resources from this episode:

Twin Eagles Wilderness School

Purpose Mountain

We Are Nature Rising website

-My first podcast with Tim ABOUT-GDVXN222659923 how to find wild edibles in your backyard

My podcast with Paul Chek in which we discuss vision quests and rites of passage

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover book

Way Of The Superior Man book

Episode Sponsors

Kion Anti-Aging Skin Serum 

Gainswave Get 30% off your first treatment!

-Penguin/Random House Audiobooks  Sign up and your first audiobook is free!

Organifi Use promo code here to get 20% off your order.

Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Tim or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!

Since the original release of this content, Ben has changed many of his thoughts and practices regarding plant medicine. To learn more, please read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

Ask Ben a Podcast Question

3 thoughts on “How To Go On A Vision Quest & Embark Upon A Rite Of Passage.

  1. michael says:

    The link for comes up as something else when clicking on it. I’d really like more info on wilderness classes closer to Florida!



  2. Lora says:

    Ben and Tim — I am super intrigued with the idea of a right of passage, and can relate to the desire/need to go out into the wilderness to prove oneself as capable of survival and also to clarify one’s purpose. I would have jumped at the chance to do such a thing in my adolescence. Your podcast focussed mostly on young men being mentored into adulthood, but I’m wondering if there are programs that you know of that help foster the development of strong, capable, resilient young women? I am a strong woman with three young girls, and I like Ben’s idea of sending my girls off on their own right of passage when they’re ready.

    1. Tim Corcoran says:

      Hi Laura, yes absolutely! My wife Jeannine does some amazing work initiating girls and women through rites of passage. Feel free to contact her through our website at Twin Eagles Wilderness School –



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